When the Packway Handle Band sought Jim White out to produce an album, the quintet learned he had a massive stash of bluegrass songs just waiting to be sprung on the world – and they would make the perfect slingshot.
“When I’d heard ’em play a couple of years earlier,” White says, “I muttered under my breath, ‘I wish I could have that much fun playing music.’ When they offered me the chance to produce, I thought, ‘How can I undermine this?’”
The answer is Take It Like A Man, the new Yep Roc Records release by Jim White vs. the Packway Handle Band, due out January 27, 2015. The guys got together in Hillsborough, NC to perform some of the new songs for performance series Sawyer Sessions, featuring “Not a Song” which comes as an instant download when you pre-order the album along with four more tracks to roll out before release.
Read more about the upcoming album here. The album is available for pre-order at iTunes, with an instant download of “Not a Song.”